When is a harlequin bug not a bad bug?
Answer: when it's a dead bug! Getting ready to pull the various lettuces and mesclun mix plants to get ready for tomatoes, I discovered brown stink bugs and harlequin bugs were on the tall, blooming arugula. When I saw an HB crawling on the edge of the bed, instead of catching it for my collection, my (gloved) hand shot out involuntarily and--- smash. Lesson: arugula is pretty when it blooms, but it attracts the wrong crowd. Sorry the picture is so gory.
When is a rose not a rose?
Answer: never. "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." And the Souvenir de la Malmaison "...by any other name would smell as sweet." Yesterday morning's gentle rain dressed up one opening bud and one full-blown bloom with what looks like pink pearls.
Finally, when does life imitate art?
Answer: When it reminds me strongly of one of Georgia O'Keefe's erotic flower paintings. The old-fashioned red-violet shade of this bearded iris also reminds me of my grandmother's garden in Kentucky, very long ago.